iTero® Digital Impressions for Comfort, Efficiency and Precision

At Serenity Dental, we have the latest iTero scanning technology for making digital impressions of your mouth. The iTero scanner is a specially designed high speed digital camera, much like a video camera but on a wand that fits easily in the mouth. As the wand is passed around the interior of your mouth, the details of your teeth, gum tissue, and other soft tissue are captured to create 3D digital models. The process takes about 5 to 10 minutes but is very comfortable. During the scanning process, we can start and stop as needed for you to swallow or take a break.


With the iTero scanner, you won’t have to suffer through traditional tray impressions that cause you to gag, put pressure on tender soft tissue of the mouth, and use impression material that is goopy and tastes bad.


Our dentists use your digital model to visualize and plan your treatment, including the perfection of your occlusion (the way your teeth come together when you bite). Your digital model can be transferred to our Invisalign treatment outcomes software, so you can see a simulation of your smile after Invisalign treatment.

The digital file can be quickly uploaded to our dental lab for the creation of your custom restoration or implant component -- or to our Invisalign lab for creation of your Invisalign aligners. Not only is your impression in the lab’s possession fast, but the digital file enables efficiencies at various stages of fabrication and quality review. This speeds up delivery of your Invisalign aligners, implant component, crown, bridge, or other type of restoration.


iTero intraoral scans enhance the accuracy and precision of your impression to 100%, because there is no warping of the impression material, no pooling of the impression material between teeth, and no dulling of margins around individual teeth. The fit of your custom implant component, Invisalign aligners, crown, bridge or other restoration will be exact and conform perfectly to the dimensions our dentists have designed for your special mouth. This minimizes the time you spend in the dental chair and enables you to have optimal results as soon as possible.

We are beyond happy with this technology and the benefits it will provide you! Give Serenity Dental a call today, and experience dentistry like never before.
